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March 2013 – Commitment


Hugo is a participant in PAL programming at the PAL Boxing Center, and is a wonderful example of hard work and dedication. When Hugo started coming to the PAL Center, he was struggling in school, his grades were poor, and he was getting in trouble in school on a regular basis. Over the past year Hugo has dedicated himself to working hard, not only in the boxing ring, but in school as well. His grades have come up, his citizenship is remarkably better, and he has become a champion boxer. He is sweet and respectful, and he is a great example to other kids.



Being engaged, involved, and keeping/fulfilling a promise or goal.


“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” -Zig Ziglar

“Desire is the key to motivation, but its determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” -Mario Andretti

“Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”
-Vince Lombardi

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”
-Paul J. Meyer

“Commitment is an act, not a word.” -Jean-Paul Sartre

Teaching the Importance of Commitment to Children:

Commitment is a skill: it must be learned. Commitment is one of the most challenging skills to teach and learn because it is measured through time and tribulation. Without commitment there can be no trust, and without trust, relationships of all kinds (financial, political, and social) are impossible. If we want our future to improve it is essential that we teach the children of today the value of commitment. How can we teach children the value of commitment and its role in overall success?

Two components that make up success are talent and commitment. Talent refers to a person’s natural ability to do something. For example, some people are just naturally better than others at sports, while others may have a ‘knack’ for languages, music, or math. Commitment is your resolve to accomplish a particular goal. It is what you are willing to do to achieve it.
Talent alone is a poor indication of future success. Committed people will succeed where even the most talented people have failed. In other words, if you want your child to succeed, don’t worry about their natural talent—focus your energy on your child’s commitment, which will consistently lead them to greater and greater skill and give them the ability to persevere and overcome challenges.

Determination and commitment are synonymous. Do you want your child to be determined to succeed? Then teach them to be committed to the activities that they participate in. Commitment means doing what needs to be done regardless of your talent, your mood, or external circumstances.

Setting realistic commitments and timelines are important. Since no accomplishment of value happens over night, if you want your child to learn to succeed then you must make sure to reward them for their commitment. Let your child know that your greatest emphasis in any academic, athletic, artistic, mental or social activity is that they are consistently ready to go on time and that they approach the activity with a positive attitude.

Make sure, as a parent, that your child participates in activities such as going to school and brushing their teeth. It is important as parent that you set clear guidelines and expectations that your children will follow. It’s also important that youth are provided with ‘free time’ to do whatever they want.

A commitment for your child is also commitment from you. Make sure you ensure that your child gets the chance to honor their commitments. If you are consistently late or not able to make appointments it sends a really strong message to your child about your commitment to the activity and also to the importance of your child in your life. This also sends a strong message about teamwork and working to overcome obstacles.

Gifted Hands, Kids Edition: The Ben Carson Story by Deborah Shaw Lewis

Jackie Robinson: A life of Determination by Colleen Sexton

A Promise is a Promise by Robert Munsch

The Power of a Promise: A Story about the Power of Keeping Promises
by Dharma Publishing

Employees can make a difference by adopting the concept “each one influence one.” Each employee can take responsibility for acting in a manner that demonstrates respect for others. The following are a number of considerations for individuals in making a commitment to a respectful and civil workplace:

1. Choose to act respectfully in all workplace interactions. Make this choice on a consistent basis, even at times when you disagree with others’ opinions or do not believe that their actions merit your respect.

2. Be proactive in identifying personal triggers that can result in anger or frustration. Examine ways to control negative emotions and respond appropriately when your “hot buttons” are pushed. Be mindful of the quote by Stephen Covey, “You can’t talk your way out of problems you behave yourself into.”

3. Demonstrate respect in all areas of your communications, including words, tone of voice, body language, and listening. Assess your effectiveness when communicating face-to-face, by e-mail and on the phone.

4. Create an inclusive environment that values individual perspectives and differences. Be receptive to listening to diverse points of view. Keep diversity in mind when forming project teams and committees. Promote team cohesiveness and be wary of involvement in cliques or similar groups that treat others as outsiders.

5. Apply a solution-driven approach to preventing and resolving conflicts. Accomplish overall objectives by focusing on problem-solving measures, such as practicing positive self-talk, communicating in a constructive manner, acting intentionally and with self-restraint, and developing alternatives for resolution.

6. Be mindful that gossip can damage workplace relationships. Before participating in discussions of this nature, pause and consider whether you would make the same types of comments if the person being talked about could hear what you are saying.

7. Avoid using humor to point out others’ deficiencies. Be aware that sarcastic or similar remarks can be embarrassing and lead to defensive reactions.

8. Respect others’ time. Stay focused when attending meetings, communicating by e-mail and engaging in other workplace activities. Take others’ time constraints and priorities into account when requesting their assistance. Meet deadlines or provide advance notice when unanticipated situations arise.

9. Look at difficult situations from a broader and more realistic perspective by considering what they will mean in the overall scheme of things. Reflect on how you will view these circumstances from a future vantage point, such as a week, month, or year.

10. Focus on others’ needs as well as your own. Even in stressful situations, guard against acting as if you are “the center of the universe” and your needs are the only ones that matter.

11. Become a role model for influencing respectful and civil interactions in your workplace. Monitor your communications and actions on a regular basis to ensure that you consistently demonstrate respect for others, the organization and yourself.

The employee wellness information was retrieved from our friends at: http://goo.gl/PXXtz