About Us
ssldrugfree.org is a project of the South Salt Lake Coaltion for Drug Free Youth. This Coaltion was established as a Community Coaltion through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to target the South Salt Lake area for a high impact drug prevention project. The Utah Federation for Youth is the lead agency for the Coaltion.
From October 2004 to September 2005, we have two goals.
- Help South Salt Lake kids to stay drug free
- Help South Salt Lake schools and the South Salt Lake community to send a clear message (and to be saying the same things) about keeping kids drug free
- Make Parents as Teachers home visits to some high risk families with preschool children
- Deliver positive activities and drug prevention education to the youth at Salt Lake Valley (Cornell) Detention Center
- Help young people in South Salt Lake who smoke cigarettes to stop, and to help young people in South Salt Lake who don’t smoke cigarettes to never start
- Establish the South Salt Lake Coalition for Drug Free Youth
- Host four educational and social opportunities for coalition members to get together
- Help coalition members to become and/or remain community leaders
- Make more positive activities available to South Salt Lake families and youth
- Help coalition members to get the word out about what helps youth to stay drug free.
Some of the programs we’ll be promoting are:
- Your Time—Their Future
- PAT (Parents as Teachers) ®
- Prevention Dimensions
- Communities That Care ®
- Toward No Tobacco
- Building Drug Free Communities
- Creating Lasting Family Connections
- Reconnecting Youth
- Red Ribbon Week
- PeaceTrees